Monday, December 4, 2006

Why enviro?

Okay, I got the writting spirit inside tonite...

Once upon a time, a little boy who lived in France, was spending most of his week ends with his grandparents. His grandfather had a hobby: hunting. So, when the little boy got old enough, his grandfather tooked him with him one sunday. In the morning, they walked in the forest, trying to find a deer to kill. They could eat it for Christmas. In the afternoon, another hunter found one, so the grandfather and the little boy hide behind a tree, waiting for the deer. Suddenly, they both saw the deer. It was 15 meters away, no more, the grandfather took his shotgun and aimed at the deer. The deer was going to be shot. But suddenly, the grandpa lowed his weapon and turned to his grandson with a smile, and he said: 'have you seen how beautiful Nature is?'
From then, I understood that Nature was the most precious thing we had. I definitly decided to go threw sustainaibility studies when I went to Egypt and I saw this little girl who smiled to me after I gave her candies. I realized that human kind was hurting nature, but also human kind, and that we needed to react. So I went to university, studied engineering, because I needed to understand how all the big system was functionning, then I decided it was time to give me more useful tools. And here I am, in Lund!

PS: my grandfather is certainly the man I respect the most on this planet!

1 comment:

Reshmi said...

The little boy was indeed lucky to have such a great grandpa to "see" the world in its essence!