Monday, December 4, 2006

Once upon a time there was a little girl (yes, i like talking about me "à la 3e personne" ;) ) who thought she could change the world with her little hands.

First she thought she could become the first woman elected as president of France. She was around 8 and full of hope and beliefs towards politics/politicians. It seems someone inbetween stole her idea (with the same kind of name, Marie-Hélène Marie-Ségolène, well, not so many differences!), so she kept on thinking and thinking.

Then she thought: "i'll be a journalist! i'll tell people truth about the world and make them smile with my nice stories!". It happened however that truth around her faded away and that things turned sad and hopeless. She joined the Dark Side of the Force, and stopped thinking about a future that did not give her hopes: why believing in journalism and politics when they don't answer the good questions, or, when they do, lie to everyone....

For a while things were fuzzy...let's keep on growing and see what might happen next. One day however she decided to follow the white rabbit, which liberated her from Jail-Paris and led her to Lille, in the Political Science world. Geography and sustainable development appearded then as her mushroom, you know, the one that makes you get bigger and bigger, big enough to see the world from an other perspective :) This idea got stuck in her little head, especially after her first trip the the land of the hippie Vikings.

Now that she's back there, with a lot of happy new mushroomed friends (or, if you are afraid with this comparison, let's say you took the good pill one day!), she just feels good and useful again, believing that she might be able, one day, to change the world with her little hands.

Lots of Love and Hugs to everyone!

PS/ Bdays of the month: Filomena (6th), Yo (10th), Theo (19th)
PS2/ Celebrations before XMas time: St Nicolas Day (6th), Santa Lucia (13th)


lolo/ said...

Can I be the weird mushroom, you know, the red with white spots...!!! Please please please...
Anyway, nice story :)

Reshmi said...

Good One, blue-eyed angel!
Its so true .. "Lundalanad" has been so overwhelming..this transition, its been just 3 months .. yet .. its relativity has no more meaning to me :-)